Dr Lucy Tallents
Overseas Training Coordinator and Online Tutor
I’m a conservation biologist with 15 years of experience in collecting and interpreting wildlife data. My current focus is creating innovative online and face-to-face training in research and monitoring techniques to build the capacity of in-country conservation practitioners. I’m developing a distance-learning course as an alternative to the residential postgraduate diploma in International Wildlife Conservation Practice, which I created and taught at WildCRU after gaining my doctorate. Recently my interests have broadened into the pedagogy of skills-based and online learning, and I earned Fellowship of the UK’s Higher Education Academy in 2011. In addition I provide technical assistance in GIS and analysis to post-docs and DPhil students within WildCRU and beyond.
My past work includes:
- Investigating the determinants of reproductive success in Ethiopian wolves Canis simensis for my DPhil with the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme at WildCRU;
- Authoring and teaching an introductory online course on mapping and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) aimed at the general public and hosted by the Department for Continuing Education;
- Surveying for western black-crested gibbons Nomascus concolor in northern Vietnam – the species had previously not been seen in the region for 70 years and my work contributed to the creation of the Che Tao Species/Habitat Protection Area;
- Comparing the reaction of badgers to human disturbance in areas of England with and without a history of lethal control for TB;
- GIS, remote-sensing and database design consultancies for FFI Indochina, WWF Ethiopia and FFI Mozambique